

This one for you WRITCO.
WRITCO - a world of endless possibility

W - Words that whisper secrets of the soul
R - Radiating light, making hearts whole
I - Ink that weaves tales of love and strife
T - Tones that tremble with the rhythm of life
C - Canvas of creativity, a work of art
O - Original thoughts that touch the heart

In this acronym, I see a symphony
Of emotions, ideas, and imagination's harmony
A world where words come alive, and stories unfold
Where creativity knows no bounds, young and old

The WRITCO code, a mystery to unravel
A puzzle of passion, where hearts are forever able
To connect, to express, to inspire and to share
A language of love, that transcends the air

So let us write our stories, with words so bright
And bring forth the beauty, in all our sight
May WRITCO be the key, to unlock our deepest core
And set our spirits free, forevermore.
© S.P