

A Fragile 🕸
Write a poem about truth and if the truth The truth we know is but a fleeting thing,
A fragile web that's spun to give us wings.
We think we know what's real and what's not,
But how much of it's just a clever plot?

The things we see, we know for sure,
The sky, the trees, the ocean's lure.
The things we hear, we trust to be,
A bird's sweet song, a lover's plea.

But what of things we cannot see or touch?
The mysteries of life that seem too much?
We're told of things like love and fear,
But do they really exist, or are they just a veneer?

The wool can be pulled over our eyes,
A clever trick to keep us in disguise.
We think we know what's going on,
But really, we're just being led along.

The truth is out there, we're told to believe,
But do we have the sight to truly perceive?
Are we open-minded enough to see,
The door that's waiting to set us free?

For the truth is not just what we're told,
It's something deeper, something bold.
It's a journey that we all must take,
To find the answers, for our own sake.

So let's be open-minded, let's explore,
The mysteries of life, and so much more.
Let's question what we think we know,
And find the truth that's waiting to show.

For the truth is not just what we see,
It's something that we all can be.
It's a journey that we all must take,
To find the answers, for our own sake. has been told to us can be trusted.
© dougienever