

Blessed and Cursed
The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors,
The streets where flooded with silence,
All you could see was the patterns the free birds drew in the sky,
From a distant proximity, you could hear the peaceful chant of the flowing waters.
The days became too long, and nights became so lonely,
Night became day, as day became night,
Mournful theme rents the atmosphere,
The streets have gone silent,
The silence grows colder by the day,
Corona virus brought a new life style,
A lifestyle I wish won't last,
Corona virus made us wear masks, when the air was at its purest form,
Corona virus separated me from my loved ones,
You stopped me from physical touch,
But you cannot stop me from keeping in touch,
Oh corona virus, your reign brough chaos and peace at the same time.
Thanks, but, no thanks for showing up.