

Words of a Healer
Everyone seems worried about my silence,
Who's to know that the screams in my head won't let me sleep.
His eyes seem confused about me,
But the hurt in his words won't let me leave.

I never liked to be alone,
But now the sea of loneliness feels like my only friend.
My only hope of reaching the shore again,
Refusing due to the fear of being pushed over the edge again.

I never wanted to be in love,
It destroys you in the most beautiful way possible,
And when you left, I finally understood,
Why storms are always named after people.

I never wanted to be responsible,
To heal those with a damaged soul.
It drained my energy so fast,
That all I have left is a little cement to fill my heart's hole.

Your distance is the constant reminder,
That what we want the most is the hardest to reach,
I could've ruined myself a million times over,
If only a little confidence in yourself you could unleash.
© Rieshitaa