

Grandma's Kitchen

In the heart of her home, a grandmother's kitchen gleams,
With stories and love, it's a place of cherished dreams.

The aroma of freshly baked bread in the air,
Welcoming all who enter with a loving care.

A checkerboard tablecloth, worn and well-used,
Witness to countless conversations, laughter, and news.

Cabinets filled with jars of preserves and delight,
Fruit of her labor, preserved in the sweetest light.

In the corner, a rocking chair, where she'd sit and sew,
Recalling stories of the past, a lifetime's ebb and flow.

A teapot softly whistling, a kettle always warm,
Ready to brew a cup of tea in the calm of a storm.

And on the windowsill, flowers in full bloom,
Bringing the vibrant colors of life into the room.

Her apron, a tapestry of love's wear and tear,
Embroidered with memories of those she holds dear.

Though time may pass and life's seasons may turn,
In the grandmother's kitchen, the love forever burns.

A place of comfort, warmth, and endless grace,
A memory I cherish, in that welcoming space.

© TheKingsSon