

Just a freshly start..!
The morning shaded grey cloud,
Like a dark gave the morning a hug tight,
Touched my heart with the new view,
With the bird musing soft and loud,
The breezes fresh out the sleepy mood,
With the intention to bring me,
At the edge of sadness and push me out,
To the pool of happiness for I used to cry,
The voilent trees seems to be calm and quiet,
Seeing them I get to thing of sun fight,
With me and trees in the sunlight tight,
But the energy of photons from sun,
With captivating view of red ball,
Falling from the dream of cloud,
Which cloud holded all over the night
In morning is so valueable and confined,
In the past I use to knock my brain to thing,
"I don't have time yrr..! "
This early morning brought me enough time,
Now my brain knock me out to say,
"We have too much time yrr..! "
By providing me every possible secret,
Essence of my beautiful life,
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