

CRICKET - Uniting People
The sound of the stadium's roar,
Resonates with every four,
Down the pitch,
Over the arm,
Cricket has its own charm

Families and friends sit together and watch,
They are united by a cricket match,
They may or may not support the same team,
But the time spent is the best catch.

The bowler sends his thunderstroke,
The batsman does his backstroke,
And the ball flies out of the stadium,
At a speed, fast as a block of titanium.

But the crowd comes to a sushh,
When the inning of the batsman is in danger,
The third umpire makes his decision,
And the umpire lifts his index finger.

There is disappointment but there is joy,
There is laughter but there is coy,
A cricket match is not just a game,
It's an emotion ready to deploy.

© Rishita