

Rainbows are very beautiful
They have so many colors
Water and light work together
To create these beautiful things

Red, the first color of the rainbow
has many feelings
People may say that his feelings are bad
but anger is what everyone has had

Orange, the power of relationship
which everyone loves
People love what she does to them
But sometimes she doesn't like being a gem

Yellow, is always very happy
Yet nobody likes this color
Because they don't know her very special power

Green, which is embarrassment
No one likes this feeling
But it comes very often
But whoever hasn't felt him must be very rotten

Blue is sad all the time
People have different reactions
When he comes around
Some are quiet while others are loud

Purple has no feelings
But she is very great
She has a rule,
To be with her you can't be cruel

Rainbows are more then what you see
They have many feelings
They help you through tough times
Let your feelings be.
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