

Loved by You; A Miracle
When you finally complete the collection.. when you place the last puzzle piece. When you realize that God is real. When dark becomes light, and you reveal your monsters as mere shadows and coat hangers. When you face your fears, when you carry on, when you finally find the right tools to manage your mind - when you were convinced they don't exist. When you find money in your laundry, when you hear the perfect song, when the universe delivers with precision just what you need. When you place a familiar face, or remember a long forgotten piece of your childhood and your innocence. When you open your mind, when you can admit you were wrong and commit to better action, when the sun shines through the shades on your windows on the first day of spring. When you start college, when you help someone in need, when you give without expectations, when you become. When you feel the weight of dreams and desire for the future of your son, when you feel safe and secure, when you honor yourself. When you understand a concept or learn something new. When you are gentle but firm, when you live up to your truth, when you find the perfect job. When faith is restored and minds suddenly can be too. When you feel warmth. When it just comes naturally. When "this too" finally "passes." Having coffee with a friend, finding your passion, when you rise to meet the challenge and achieve victory. When you soothe a broken heart, forgive yourself for real, love yourself entirely, seek spiritual growth, when you go after what you want and become successful and accomplished but you remain humble and appreciative. When you know your worth and stand in your truth. When you ace a test...or create something beautiful. Thank you for the peace and thrill and desire you have woken up in me. You restore my longing and my belief in happy endings.