

Please calm down I want us to talk like
A son and a father
To treat each other like
A husband and his side chick
For once can’t you look into my eyes?
And squeeze out the beauty in it
Can’t you put that hooligan pride aside
And consider how it feels
When it only one’s idea throughout
Whenever I am right
You tell me I’m wrong
When I’m wrong; it could be right
You confuse me honestly
Mum bought me a shoe
Quickly you went ahead telling her
I needed something better than that
I met this guy
You forced me to smell his kind of perfume he uses
Checked his teeth, his dressing
Even the way he pronounces hullabaloo
You made me paranoid
When my own lecturer speaks
And you see droplets of spit coming out
Of his speech
You forced me to laugh and you hide behind that closet
You made me look bad, not twice
But like a full grown of rice
What do you want from me?
Look at me? Why me? It’s enough!
You treat me like an illiterate
Don’t forget I made you special
I picked books of my favourite and you benefited
So stop throwing those tantrums! Stop!
I wish you could feel my spirit
I wish when we wake up every morning
You initiate morning devotion rather than
Telling me to sleep extra five minutes – extra two minutes
I wish I was born in you instead of you in me
You don’t know how difficult it is to live with you
I wish you could be simple, straightforward
Yes for yes, no for no
I hate to see both of us tossing in an argument
Sometimes I feel you are a coward
I wish you could be my own thought,
Not you your thought or any other thought
I wish when the sunset tomorrow
We will be on the same page – I wish

#themind #thoughts #sacarsm #humor
© Yaa Walker N. 2020