

Unmasking The Monster
I put on my mask.
As this is who they really want to see.
They do not see. The holes that are in me. What they did by taking from me.
The pain and anguish. It burns deeply. The darkness that is becoming me.

He is stronger than me. He defends me. He says the things I simply cannot.
His arms call to me.
Reaching around to swallow me.
He offers me a safe space.
A place where I can hide deep.

I take off the mask.
I can no longer bear the weight of it.
I accept his embrace.
What was once me is no more.

I have gone to another place.
A place that accepts me.
The real me.
I have no fear for I am at peace.

Releasing him into the world.
He is the one in charge now.
The monster who is chaos.
The monster I left behind.
The monster they created but could not love.

I myself have never really loved this monster until now.
The two of us living in the same shell. Battling daily for who’s in charge.
But I have given in.
I have gone deep within.
To a safe space for me.
A space no one can see.

My soul will no longer ache.
Not one more tear will be shed.
Not one more hole will be made.

So enjoy the monster who is left behind.
I hope he cares for you in kind.
Growing stronger day by day.
Fueled by the evil that you spray.
The holes I could no longer hide.
The best part of me has died.
Because what was once beauty is no more. The monster who is chaos you must endure.
© TheBratBox