

COVID 19 by Nyambe lubasi
Covid 19

Paracetamol is kneeling in pain
'Cause earth's headache has turned into a terrible migraine

Chlopheniramine and fexofenadine too weep woefully
'Cause they have found it hard to contain the sneezing
While happy virus-laden droplets keep littering the sky
Even as they linger for the next man to attack

I see sweat on the faces of ritonavir and lopinavir 
And chloroquine keeps comforting them
But the respiration on the earth's chest is getting worse
And not even chloroquine will win this battle
'Cause the adversary is one so unseen

Please dip your head into the tunnel
and if you are able to see the light 
Then come to me to whisper the sweet lyrics 
of what you have seen to the corners of my ears

Tell me about the prognosis
And I will tell you that the diagnosis
is Corona virus 2019
A different strain of the already existing corona viruses

Are possibly letters that you remember vividly
That's if you ever lived in those times when sweet earth gasped for breath

And if you love darling earth so much
Then at least buy her salbutamol inhaler
and give her to inhale,,
If this fails then possibly clomipramine, 
Prochloperazine and amitriptyline could offer the best solution
Since there seems to be a whole lot of depression ahead

And fear looms large like the microscopic view of a mosquito's testicles

© Steven namawa