

Here’s to the Karen of Men…
What amazes me is how certain men walk around with his head held high. Like he’s really something. Like he’s accomplished so much in life that he has the right to judge women and how we should behave.

Here’s one just for you.,Mr.Karen the little limp prick…, it’s not the 1800’s. So far this is still the home of the free…
We as women now are in congress, join the military, Navy and Airforce,Marines. We are officers of the court, Policewomen with badges, we have come such a long way since being burned at the stake by judgmental, mama fuck boys such as yourself…
We can say and do whatever we fucking like and there is nothing you can do about it.
You call us petty when we argue amongst one another. Perhaps because your mother is a weak bitch that needed a man to make her feel worthy of herself… you know just like Sabrina.
So since you don’t know about strong women. Maybe it’s best you continue hiding in your bedroom, clitty in hand, and continue watching porn. because obviously that’s what your version of sex and relationships come from.
Also, since you hate women that are accomplished and speak for themselves you should move to India where they follow women from buses and violate them for having a vagina. Setting them on fire when they’re through with them.
Here’s to you… Mr.Karen… and to the harbinger that raised you…
© FuckYou!