

Since I've to leave
I didn't choose to leave,
But I have to go..
There are many things
I want you to know..

You're my love, you are my only one.
But Don't miss me too much,
when I'm gone.

I might disappear any moment,
So just let you know.
I have loved you more..
More than I could ever show.

I will say it now,
since I'll be gone tomorrow ...
Plz keep me in your happiness,
Not in your sorrow.

Don't call me out, don't look for me
I'll be far away for you to see.

Just hold me tight for now,
Don't let me go..
Let me be by your side,
when I can still do so.

But If you can't keep me in your arms..
If you can't hold me tight...
I will be gone Forever,
from your sight.

© Night owl