

Are you broken-hearted?

Mend it with a song.

Sing one retaliating,

against how you’ve been done wrong.

Sing from your soul causing goose bumps, and tears.

Sing out loud using only your deepest wounds, and fears.

Sing by heart, be confident and proud

Sing in the shower, to yourself, or bravely to a crowd.

Lullaby yourself to sleep,

With soothing songs much peace you’ll reap.

Sing strong and loud for

Soulful anguish will set you free

When expelled from your spirit lyrically.

Sing a song of sorrow for the little one inside,

For she remains twisted from insanity, still cutting, deprived.

Sing one jubilantly, of sunflowers and frogs

Then laugh so hard it hurts your sides until giggles become sobs.

Don’t be afraid to sing one hymn along with me,

About how life endured, strengthens our melody.

Whether acappella, country or the blues,

Let your raw emotion be the one to choose

Notice how we pick the songs that strum our broken hearts

It's only through revealing pain, that the healing starts.

Heidi Shavill