

Neglated Paradise
In a realm unknown to mortal eyes,
A wondrous land of paradise lies.
Where raindrops dance, their blessings bestowed,
Breathing life into each humble abode.

The sun, a guiding force, its rays so bright,
Illuminating the world with radiant light.
Seeds take root, their potential untold,
Blooming into fruit, a harvest to behold.

Birds take flight, without mechanical aid,
Their wings gracefully cut through the cascade.
Yet man, oblivious to these wonders grand,
Neglects the miracles that lie at hand.

Oh, the enchantment of this sacred ground,
A hidden treasure, waiting to be found.
Let us open our hearts and minds anew,
To marvel at the miracles, both old and new.© Janefeances Adimachukwu