

Beyond the Gaslit Shadows
Deep in my soul, where my pain dwells,
On this journey through his twisted spells.
His words are like daggers, cutting deep,
and within me, my spirit starts to weep.
His lies, a maze, so hard to decipher,
But over the years, my resolve grew higher.

This narcissist's hold like a binding thread, Yet within, my strength started to spread.
Through his gaslit words of self-doubt, I found my flame, a flicker, like a little shout.

Through the echoes of his deceit,
I found that in my core, I'm resilient like a beat. In his silence, my whispers grew,
Empowering me to break through.

With every tear, a seed was sown,
A strength within, a soul reborn.
No longer chained by false embrace,
I embrace my strength, and find my grace.

© Melissa G