

love of A , B
A is a girl, b is boy
talk on social media
just for joy .

starting is simple , middle is really fast
and end is far.

A and b talk a lot
they told each other every secret
with the understanding hope .

if anyone saw them , they can be 100%sure that a and b in a relationship .
but A and B not ready yet
to admit it.

Maybe they have a fear
fear of losing each other,
fear , what if reality hit them .

The storys of broken hearts hit them .
they both don't want to be broken
and not want to broke .

so they decided to be friends
as long as possible .
but time passed
B fall in love with A

A know about it
but she strictly stopped B
B not want to lost A ,
so B control his feelings

But , he also want That A love
he try every method , made her jealous , send her pictures of girls , talked
to girls in front of her .

But A shows like she don't
care, she herself said him to find
a girl.

In reality A actually love B
but she know B as well
As B told her every little thing ,
he told her every girl he had in his life
before A, and now also he talked to girls in the presence of A .

A afraid from losing B ,
but be prove that no one can
took place of A in his life.
but wait it is true , how
can it be ,
how long A pretend like this and how long B wait for her approval .

at last starting is simple, middle is fast, and end is far.

© New century