

It is true, Loneliness is a callous, silent killer,
He is one that makes you question your existence, your sanity.
He makes you turn on your values and beliefs.
You keep it to yourself, thinking others won’t understand,
It’s okay, just don’t leave without saying Goodbye.

Life becomes monotonous, like a black rainbow.
Life becomes meaningless, like a pen that has run out of ink.
You begin only to focus on your failures, instead of your successes.
It leaves one shattered, broken, and incomplete.
It’s okay, just don’t leave without saying Goodbye.

Sadness is temporary, True Happiness is permanent.
Don’t let this temporary sadness force you to take a decision that can’t be reversed.
Sometimes it’s okay to open up to someone,
Sometimes it’s okay to let your emotions get the better of you.
It’s okay, just don’t leave without saying Goodbye.

Deep inside, it may feel like nobody cares about you,
But on the other side, your loved ones wait to embrace you.
Always remember, the bravest thing you can do when you want to die is live.
Forgive yourself for your failures and faults.
It’s okay, just don’t leave without saying Goodbye.

You aren’t a faulty radio that repeats the same track forevermore,
You aren’t a jammed factory machine,
You are only human.
It is okay to be susceptible, to live for yourself, rather than for your counterparts.
It’s okay, just please…don’t leave without saying Goodbye.
© D.M Wright