

My F-word Affirmations
It is fantastic when I can free my mind and focus on the fabulous family and friends around me.
Self-Freedom is a fundamental feat that will determine my fate.
I must set a formidable foundation for my life's fascinating journey.
I will guide my feet and leave fervent footprints that will be frozen in all the follicles and fibres of my being.
I will formulate each footstep and fertilize my mind with faith and philanthropic deeds so that my thoughts can be fruitful, fair, forgiving and flawless.
I will fix my eyes on the prize by fighting the good fight and never giving into folly and fear.
I will be fearless and fix my phobias so I won't flee with fright.
I must stop being frigid and learn to feel and enjoy the fragrance of the flowering Freesia.
I must follow the beats of my own drum and stand firm in my ethical beliefs.
I will forsake the forbidden fruits of life and never falter.
I will forgive and forget so that my soul can be freed from the feverish pain of my forsaken past.
I will focus on the present and forge a favorable path for the not so foreseeable future.
I will forever fuel and fan the flames of love, firstly for God, followed by self and then my fellowman.
I am a highly favoured and phenomenal female
© Audrey Malcolm
