

Love is a Wave
Love is a wave, you can see it on my face
My happiness radiates,
the smiles, I cannot hold back
I feel his eyes on me, before I'm aware of his presence
His warmth, seeps into my heart and lives there for a millenia

Love is a wave , my tears witness that,
If I could qunatize it into particles
there would have been a unit
which I would have measure out,
A moment in which I can say
This is when I fell for you! this is where the magic began
I could note down the experiments, the procedures
there are Equation but there are no reasons
why did I love you then?
Why do I love you still?

Love is a wave, my hearts knows now
I deleted our old pics, your remembrances I lost somewhere, your texts remain locked into blocked files of scraps I have no intentions to unbox
Like Schrodinger's cat, I'm unaware if I'm still alive within you,
does your heart recalls my touch and breaks over again?
Because mine does, every single day

Every single minute, I distract myself from your thoughts
We've stopped texting but I still wait for you, I still care, I still worry about you

I still love you, but love is a wave
you split yours towards someone else's direction
She experiences your unique patterns
your wavelength, justifies hers heart

Love is a wave, it is invisible
my heart longs for you so much
no one knows about it, but I...

© nervous_system