

Virtually alive
As the sun rises with a blinding light
here goes the hand lurking in every site,
hoping for sign that will elate thy sight,
virtual heart and like that tend to incite.
Trying to fill in people's virtual need,
way of living you let them take the lead,
masking every flaw with a pleasing deed.
with thy grace you signed their spiteful creed.
Valuing virtual support than real one,
believing gammon words that made as pun,
praising every feigned thing that you have done,
play the role of fool and it will bring fun.
Is this the living where you can find joy?
giving thyself away like piece of toy.
earn that grace but to others throw a ploy,
virtually blest but life begun to cloy.
To happiness virtual world is the key,
mayhap this pleasure in real life can't see,
in this world you can put on and live free,
no one will obstruct nor send a decree.
Virtually this soul learned to be alive,
fondness and joy is something can't deprive,
serving as pill that help thee to survive.
But dear real living is yet to strive.
Everyday thee can play thy virtual role,
see thy worth in count of votes at the poll.
Spending day and night with endless scroll,
forget not in life to take a stroll.
© rabbi