

True Friendship
True friendship is a beacon in the darkest hours,
Someone who helps you summon all of your powers.
A rock of solidity to draw from strength,
To sit in the park and chew the fat on a bench.

A shoulder to cry on whenever it’s needed,
A friend is a garden that never needs weeding.
In silence or darkness no more could be true,
Bring out the best in you and the best in them too.

A true friend is beans on toast,
And all of the little things we love the most.
The one that will haunt you when their a ghost,
The one who knows how to play a great host.

A river of help even if you don’t see it,
Make you go places even when you don’t feel it,
A true friend is shelter from the fiercest of storms,
Our times spent together, are way more than ‘the norms’.

Of real friendship I’d say this is true,
I would die for you, as you’d die for me too.
No more need be said friend,
bar pal, I love you.

© Copywrite 2023