

heartless plan for a heartless man
I'm so mad I could scream.
what did you think I would do
you knew I was lonely, you knew I wouldn't hesitate.
you had been denying me love for so long and treating me bad for far to long.
You set it up. you put them there.
you set it up for them to come to me at exactly the right time. what did you think would happen.
night after night leaving me feeling so alone yet you were right there.
night after night I was left in tears
you made no attempt to come to me and when I tried to go to you
you simply avoided or caused me so much pain with you'd words and your fists.
you made sure I would hesitate to come near you.
just so you would be left alone so I wouldn't bother you.
how dare you... how dare you do this and then blame me.
you put all the Blame on me,
even the nights you began the fight. how could you sit there with no expression what so ever
I see now all you wanted was to cause me pain . you went and fell for her and instead of breaking up with me or just leaving me you stayed and continued to blame me. how could you be such a heartless person. yes I cheated but that is the way you planned it all. right. it was exactly what you wanted so you could blame me and be free of me. well I hope your happy. you are free, free of me. tomorrow will be the first day of a new life for you, with out me in it. I wish you well although you caused me pain. I will love you always even though you felt nothing more for me. good bye my love .

© Stephanie mh