

Going Insane
I’m losing my fucking mind
I’m going insane
I can’t even control my brain
It’s a damn shame
I try to be special but everyone sees me as a lame
Might as well be a serial killer
I can’t be tamed
Everything’s going black
Losing blood
Losing oxygen
My body’s getting slack
My legs are shaking, I can barely stand
Who the fuck Am I kidding?
I’m just a homeless man
Nobody gives a damn about me
Nobody takes the time to see that I need help
Or at least I thought I did
How many bullets to chest can I take before I die?
Let’s take a bid
“Oh yea. I’m fine. Don’t worry.”
Bullshit ass lie
Spread my arms and try to fly
No parachute, I want to die
All this time
I’ve been losing my mind
These thoughts and voices beating down my brain
They just rush inside
I can no longer hide
I’ve lost all of my pride
Remember that time when I used to shine?
Yea. Me either
I’m everyone’s last option
Their last resort
I’m that guy they keep around but they don’t really need
After a while they all leave
But continue to tell me to believe
Stop pretending that you care
Stop pretending that you have a heart to share
Cause if I die right now, you’d take a bow and pretend that we were best friends
Until the end
You’ll pretend that you gave a damn about me
Man, I don’t even know where to begin
I should start cutting again
So as I put this bullet to my head
Don’t come to my funeral when you find out I’m dead
Cause when I needed you
You just left me on read

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