

Strong Faith
Devil seem like he chasing me at every turn I begin to understand life for wat it is. Apparently I think I'm beginning to like it weirdly unfortunately. Can any one save me from the demons in my head. Been fighting all my life so I'll never cry for help. Just want to save myself so I see i have faith i can do it. Doing it without the help of family and friends. Regretting that I be feeling like I can only just trust in myself. Been fighting the demons that pop up out da blue. Always trying to swipe da good a nigga was trying to build for himself. Made a nigga go and reconcile with the father of us all. Hoping he still listen to a sinner that just can't stop sinning. Keep trying to be one with the father I always use to deny cause the life I was given. I was just like all his true solider's before me. Yea u know Hercules, sampson, and even one of the closest disciples prometheus da one that gave us the knowledge of fire. Letting me know that I probably could be da Profitcizer Zachariah; Reincarnated for the last time ever to get this life right in this world before it fold. Never to reopen itself to another Soul living or dead.
© Zachary Blackmore