

Never let me

Inevitably there will be times
When you’ll see me, quite flushed
Wherein might your skin tingle
On a dry boring afternoon
How are you tempted to walk?
In scorching heat, on a bizarre path
Oh! somebody seems to have ground
The rough rocks with fragile hands
Smoothened and cooled them down
Made lovely mosses of cruel sands
The wonderful feet of a soul so pure
May never need a burning cure
Being refreshed after such a stroll
If my tender air betrays cajole
Please throw those rocks at me
But don’t let me touch you.

Some instances of travelling together
Under clear skies or cloudy weather
When long hours of dearest music
Somehow makes you more tired,
In those days of stiffened gaits
If you find my shoulder nearby
Your mind heavy, eyelids drooping
And then naturally as it reclines
On the firm bearer, made pillow.
It is evident then, I’ll be exact
As a statue that is Vinci made
Or an old puppet hewn of willow
Lest nothing moves where your head lies.
No matter in that long journey
My vision will turn a darker shade
Navigating the abyss when I seek refuge
Punch my heart stone cold dead
Don’t let my temple rest on your head.

Heavens forbid! How I fear it
Incidents occurring in close proximity
A mishandling of chores by either
Leads to a fall which elevates
The pumping rate to sky high levels.
Desperately trying to shush the sound
As your long lashes cloud my wit
Did you notice that hint of glimmer?
On my face, akin to a swimmer
Who braces himself before risky dives
Into the mysterious depth of your eyes.
Please do ignore my heaving chest
Because there’s raging a battle inside
As you smile, I’ve lost myself
There goes in drain, my mammoth quest
If I move nearer, in a tilted grace
Syncing our breaths side by side
I wish you would slap my face
And stop me from kissing you.

You have every right in truth
To blame hypocrisy, call me selfish
For I may seem inconsistent
But maybe you’ll understand
My life is not really mine
Controlled by mighty powers present
Deep inside the calloused skin
A gnawing spade draws blood
An unbearable pain of wretchedness
Concurrently clings to my conscience
Till it drops on the wet soil
Of the heart with a heavy thud.
As farmers struggle, workers toil
All for me, to make up a man
Plant nesh saplings on a weary land.
A mother almost dies giving birth
Yet loves, cares like a spirit divine
Being a recipient of so much love
Much more than any of human kin
Pledged my life for nurturing Earth.

So, despite everything you hear and see
May not color your opinion of me
Even if flows inside your breast
River of tears from my frosty chest
Do refrain from all the waiting
Vent your emotions in sharp hating.
Keep walking on your path of success
And everything will fall into place
Another life would become a mess
In your happiness will find solace.
Then someday if you still feel grim
Yearn for me to relieve your heart
Will find me there to drop your sorrows
Till my cup of life fills to brim.
Oh! but then, in the magical moment
A breeze breaks, your bangles clink
And Gods come in all their glory
To promise you a youthful drink
They are bluffing, my kind beauty
For it is downright impossible
This egoistic narcissism doesn’t covert
The touch of your lovely hand
And the warmth of a generous heart.
I beg again, though seems infeasible
To row against waves of affection
And curse me in front of all
Never ever let me love you.

© AbhinavUpadhyayPoet