

Love's King
Fallible mortal,

Can you put a word to love?

It's complexities and simplicities.
It's difficulties and liberties.
It's innate sorrow and innate bliss.
It's insidious consumption of your soul.
It all plays out in the palm of my hand.

By a gust of wind from between my lips
You are swept off your feet
Rapid beats your heart
and I smile at my feat.

All you can think of is them and it drives you crazy,
And keeps you sane simultaneously.

It coalesces from petty infatuation into intrepid yen.
You think that it's real, per what you have heard.
But don't you forget to remember
You are a chess piece and I am the grandmaster.

You are enchanted, enamoured, entranced by the one you look upon.
You spend forever wondering what had hit you and when.

What a joy it is, spreading love in this wretched world which very much needs it. Hate and greed are indented in human nature. Love is a gift that can fix the dent. But that's not what I want. Love doesn't fix the dent permanently. It reshapes it into something much more interesting.

Jealousy. Selfishness. Foolishness.

I guess you could say I'm a bit of a drama-fanatic. Think of these emotions as pop-ups to me. I pick which one to grant domination in the pawn's head. I like to play with these pop-up emotions and watch where it takes my pawns.


The ones who walk around this mountainous obstacle fall out of love. That's annoying. I deal with them accordingly.

The ones who climb the mountain stay in love for a while, but give too much of themselves to it. They subsequently fall out of love.

The ones who storm right through the mountain base and send it crumbling to the ground fall in love and stay in love.

I've yet to meet one who digs under the mountain.

Oh look, it's about time for my daily dose of drama.

Would you like a taste of love?


© 2024 by ravenizcul