


in the gaze of man,

there is a hidden virtue of evil in his plan,

the hidden bits of darkness,

fills them with light heartedness,

the spirit and flesh fight for supreme,

as the bolts of decisions whirs to being,

his choices are thrum by the clock,

as he eyes the two sides watch,

the flesh, is more enticing and anew,

his large pool glittering with a dangerous halo,

the mecury glistens with beckoning,

man can not help but be filled with longing,

the little ripple of purity,

that draws from the bluish depths of spirit,

it thuds dully about,

it's soft voice a faint caress in contrast to the flesh,

man can not help but drift to the flesh's,

seeing the writing of all his his hidden pleasures,

he laps and looks about feeling the spirit's little tug,

it tried to pull him away,

blotting out the evil of the new may,

he turned aside as he viewed the flesh's reward,

it smiled with pearly white,

it had a staggering dagger sheathed with spite,

as it called with delight,

man ran at full speed and plunged into his depths,

now drawn into the jury of sins,

forever stuck in his confined coffins
© No works of mine should be published without my permission