

I AM...
I am the light of dawn's first breath,
The secret murmured by the night,
A line woven with threads of dreams,
Draped in shadows, bathed in light.

I am the heartbeat of the restless sea,
The storm that stirs the sleeping sky,
A symphony of thunderous grace,
Echoing through the mountains high.

I am the ember of a timeless flame,
The spark igniting ancient lore,
A phoenix rising from the ashes,
An eternal dance, forevermore.

I am the pulse of the earth's deep core,
The rhythm of the wild, untamed,
A force unseen, yet ever-present,
In every soul, forever named.

I am the silence in the roar,
The calm within the tempest's eye,
A paradox of being and becoming,
Boundless, free, and unconfined.

I am the poet's quill, the painter's brush,
The muse that stirs the artist's hand,
A fleeting glimpse of the infinite,
A whispering wind across the land.

I am the echo of forgotten tales,
The guardian of the stories old,
A timeless weaver of the myths,
In every heart, my truth is told.