

Embracing Humanity

In a world of pain and strife,
Love's the thread that weaves our life.
Skin color, tongue, they don't define,
We're all souls beneath the same sunshine

To be human is to understand,
Love unites us, hand in hand.
Jealousy, hate, they only tear,
Love's the answer, loud and clear.

Every act, big or small,
Love's the greatest of them all.
Let's stand tall, let's spread the word,
In love's embrace, our voices heard.

So let's cast away the shade,
And let love's light guide our way.
With every beat of our heart's plea,
Let's make this world a place of love, set free.

Let's embrace love, let's make it our creed,
For in love, we find all we need.
God is love, so let's believe,
In love, humanity will achieve. @977CCN