

You are certainly needed in one's life.
when hurt, you abandon the household.
you are like a coronary(cardic) muscle causing willingness in response to circulation.
A wealthy man is a happy one!
seeming like a stream in which dwells all aquatic lives.
it is like saying:'you are a source of joy'
You are rubbed off from a jealous mind; as a jealous mind is a 'distracted mind'
You motivates, elevates and improves self esteem.
As regards you, you are the rudimentary in aspect of success.
Again, you are like a 'lantern'that obeys a law, 'the law of cause'.That is :once ignited,once shines. And disappears when disturbed by an unknown wind current.
'Your nature is natural,as breathing in and out is natural'
'Happiness' you are a companion!