

Body Aches
My body’s been aching all these years
I’ve been crying the most silent tears
My brain, my body, my soul
It’s all in pain
I’m tired of the hurt
Tired of the fire corsing up my side
Through my omnipresent veins
I want to rip off the husk of this old body
I want to become new under the moonlight’s glare
At night I can be reincarnated while I’m  laying in my silk sheets,
I’ll let the darkness crawl all over me
I want to lay down, fall asleep to become a new being 
I want to die but I’m 2 afraid of killing myself and how it will effect others
But some days my body is to much to handle 
I think I heard on tv that they said your gut had a lot to do with your serotonin levels
That if you have constant stomach aches and constipation that it probably means I have low happiness drugs in my veins
So maybe I’m so unhappy cause my body is always aching
It seems the world tortures me emotionally and my body burns me alive physically 
I want to escape this body so bad on some days
I’ve counted to many ways of how it all hurts
I use to tally them up in my mind but I eventually lost count