

I'm very outspoken
And articulate with my words
But somehow
I still feel unheard

"A child is supposed to be seen and not heared."
Is what I learned
Growing up I stopped trying to speak up.

It'll all change as I become an adult...
Or so I thought...
Free country, free speech they tell you...
But what they don't tell you
Are the consequences of telling the truth
The gossip, betrayal and Belittlement

But don't change your truth because of what you go through or what they say about you.
You will always be persecuted for your truth
They hated Jesus
So they'll hate you
so embrace it and be unashamed of it

So speak and stand in what you believe in
because even if it once in every blue moon there will be one who will stand and side with you

Speak your truth unashamed and unafraid

(Romans 1:16/Psalm 8:2)

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