

Whole Being of the Universe
What if...

Your body was a cosmo of galaxies?
The unpredictable infinities?
A whirlpool of calamities?

Where your hand can touch the stars,
Surpassing its greatest heats.
Your eyes looking into the great abyss, seeing what no one can call a discovery.

Your feet will move in great distances, to search the cloud of mysteries.
This universe of beautiful heavens,
Touching your heart like a conundrum of puzzles.

The planets will be your companion.
Waiting each day for a new caption.
Your nose will smell each scent of the flowing ashes, from the marks of the powerful eruption.

Your mood will form the weathers, each storm and each summer day that pours on the atmosphere of the skies.

Your name is the universe, where each detail that's part of who you are, are the reasons why it is so diverse.