

What if..?
What if the love you hold so dear
Is not the love that will stay near?
How would you cope, what would you do
If your dreams didn't include them too?

What if the person you call "baby" now
Is not the one to whom you'll vow?
If the truth came out, how would you cope
Knowing their love doesn't hold that scope?

What if the person you cherish so much
Is not the one with whom you'll clutch?
And as you lay by their side tonight
What if they won't be there by morning light?

If they know you're not their future's seed
How would you carry that painful creed?
What if the love they gave to you
Was just a temporary passing through?

If you found out their love was not true
And your future doesn't include them too
Will you regret the time you spent
Or see it as a lesson, heaven-sent?

The heart is heavy, burdened with grief
As the truth brings forth its painful sheath
A burning ache you can't extinguish or soothe
Yet through the flames, a lesson behoove.

© Tashy