

You really don't have to talk to me like that,
Only when you realize you are a criminal,
You should be kneeling and,
Scrubbing my shoes for forgiveness,
But instead all you do is say that,
You are my employer,
That you make me sit in the office,
Due to the crimes you commit.

It was three days before when you,
Visited the BOT and stole those 10 millions,
When I managed to get a hold of you,
The president congratulated me and increased my rank,
When I asked you why did you steal,
All you could say is to increase job vacants,
Especially at the police station,
Because most of the police were unemployed,
Due to the lack of criminals.

When you escaped from jail and killed my wife,
When I asked you again why did you escape?,
You simply replied that,
You never wanted me to die at an early age,
Since my wife was a prostitute,
So you had to save me from STD's