An uncovered guise.
Our; downfall is by design.
With, clipped pinions. We are told to soar.
Without, the correct equipment.
Gritty, winged-kerchiefs are, now, only used,
to make; crashing deserts of long,
suffered eyes.
Our, flightless; bracketed letters,
autarky and prospects, are;
grounded, plucked and taken away.
By egocentric, corrupt; butterfly-catchers.
Conglomerates, politicians,...
Our; downfall is by design.
With, clipped pinions. We are told to soar.
Without, the correct equipment.
Gritty, winged-kerchiefs are, now, only used,
to make; crashing deserts of long,
suffered eyes.
Our, flightless; bracketed letters,
autarky and prospects, are;
grounded, plucked and taken away.
By egocentric, corrupt; butterfly-catchers.
Conglomerates, politicians,...