


My spirit is shattered into chunks
The grief of mutiny is intolerable,
My psyche is prompting by deception,
Tears are cascading down from orifices,
Raindrops ignite sprinkling from the sky,
I realize like hazes feel my anguish,
The sky is wrapped by gloomy darknesses,
Grumbling advents from mists,
It's like its a celestial voice,
Foretelling me to dwell robust,
It feels so difficult to divulge anyone again,
You halted me into pieces,
Will I be able to trust anyone again?
Will I be able to love anyone again?
Does genuine love exist?
What's engraved in my destiny?
Will I be secluded eternally?
Im walking down the alley,
I glimpsed myself in the stream,
Darting at my introspection,
I queried myself "who am I?"
I relinquished myself,
I will discover my true self,
I realized not to alter myself for others
Somewhere in the world is my soul mate,
One day I will meet him,
One day I will find my true love,
My soul mate will accept my true-self
- Aira
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