

African Girl
In the heart of Africa, where sunbeams play
A young girl blooms, with beauty in every way
Her skin, like golden sand, glistens bright
Her laughter echoes, a melody so right

Her eyes, like sapphires, shine with inner light
Reflecting wisdom, beyond her years so bright
Her hair, a mane of curly brown delight
Tumbles down her back, like a gentle night

She dances with abandon, her spirit free
A rhythm that's hers, a beat that's meant to be
Her feet bare, yet strong, they move with grace
As if the earth itself is guiding her pace

Her heart beats with kindness, her soul so pure
A reflection of the love that's ever sure
She's a daughter of Africa, a treasure true
A gem that shines bright, for me and for you

Her smile can light up the darkest night
A beacon of hope, a guiding light
It's a gift from heaven, a treasure to see
A symbol of joy, a beauty that's meant to be

Let us cherish her, let us honor her name
Let us celebrate her beauty, her spirit and her flame
For she is a shining star, in the African sky
A reminder of the beauty that lies within the eye.

I hope this poem does justice to the beauty and essence of an African girl.
