


Beneath the coverage of garbage
A SAGE is caged
In wages or in gage
He plunged through barraged passages
Through colleges of bandaged tutelage
And messages of damaged language
Like a savage on stage
Plundered roughages from
Large silos of silage
Foraging for menage
With pottage of pittance
And beverages of carnage
Boraged by hatred
Managed in outrage and
With sabotage in the fuselage of carriage
Engaged in rampage
And in vain rummage
Causing haemorrhage in
The fledging cartilage of marriage
Not merely in bondage
But strongly heritaged in courage
Though traped in milage and age
Landed in this village
Of high voltage rancour
Yet we acknowledge for advantage
The spillage of privileges
As a foliage of camouflaged edge
To assuage the usage of pages of rage
For average dosage of good image
© FrancisUdo