

Childhood memories
I remember the days of my childhood
The sun on my face, the grass beneath my feet
I would run and play, not a care in the world
Oh, those were the days, so sweet and fleet

I remember the laughter, the joy, the fun
The games we played, the stories we told
I remember the love, the warmth, the sun
Those memories, they never grow old

I remember the taste of my mother's cooking
The smell of freshly baked bread
I remember the hugs and the kisses, the loving
The warmth in my heart, it never fled

Childhood memories, oh how sweet
The laughter and the joy, can't be beat
The endless summer days, spent running wild
The endless games of make-believe, so carefree and mild

I remember building forts and climbing trees
Racing bikes and playing hide and seek
The taste of ice cream on a hot summer day
The sound of the ice cream truck, miles away

The smell of cookies baking in the oven
The sound of my parents' voices, soft and lovin'
The taste of juicy watermelon on a hot summer day
The feeling of sand between my toes, as I run and play

Oh, childhood memories, they never fade
They stay with me always, a comforting serenade
Bringing back the happiness of days gone by
Filling my heart with love and making me sigh

Childhood memories, oh how sweet
Of carefree days and dirty feet
Running through the fields, the wind in our hair
Laughing, playing, without a care

Summer days spent splashing in the pool
Water fights, cannonballs, and being cool
Ice cream cones melting in the sun
Fun and laughter, our day had just begun

Autumn leaves, a crunch beneath our feet
Jumping in the piles, a cozy treat
Halloween costumes, trick-or-treating at night
Sugary treats, a pure delight

Winter snow, a magical wonderland
Building snowmen, snowball fights on command
Sledding down the hills, our cheeks all aglow
Warming up by the fire, hot cocoa in tow

Springtime flowers, a colorful sight
Birds chirping, everything feels right
Planting seeds, watching them grow
The start of something new, we come to know

© Plasmagrapes