

Money answereth all things.

"Money Answereth All Things"

In realms of gold, where wealth holds sway
Money's mighty voice, speaks loud each day
A universal language, understood by all
Answering needs, and soothing life's great fall

I. Provider's Hand

With open purse, and generous heart
Money's flow, sets life's wheels to start
Necessities met, and wants fulfilled
Comfort's warmth, on life's chilled

II. Solver of Problems

In times of strife, and troubled sea
Money's anchor, holds firm and free
Debts repaid, and futures secured
Peace of mind, like treasures ensured

III. Key to Opportunities

Doors swing wide, with money's might
Unlocking chances, shining bright
Investments bloom, and businesses thrive
Wealth's harvest, forever alive

IV. Global Currency

Across borders, money's voice is clear
A common tongue, that banishes fear
Trade's exchange, and commerce's stream
Connecting worlds, in a monetary dream

V. Yet, Not All

But amidst wealth's allure, and money's sway
Lies a truth, that's often lost each day
That love, kindness, and heart's pure gold
Are treasures rare, that money can't hold.

Note: The poem is inspired by Ecclesiastes 10:19, "A feast is made for laughter© OK