

The human in me
Why can't I just say, "Well done," and mean it true?
I want to cheer you on, but something holds me in, it's me, it's you.

I want to congratulate them, let kindness ring,
But the human in me whispers, "Hold back, let doubt cling."
It's not that I don't feel the joy I should,
It's the human in me, tangled up in good.

I dream of doing right, of paths that shine so bright,
Yet the human in me makes the climb a fight.
I reach for the stars, but stumble on the ground,
The human in me, sometimes a frown, sometimes a crown.

I yearn to walk with God, in the light we're meant to see,
But the human in me makes it hard, oh so hard to be.
The one I know I could be, if not for this war inside,
The human in me, with dreams and fears side by side.

God's hand is there, a guiding light in dark,
But the human in me, well, it's a part so stark.
A part that stumbles, a part that falls,
The human in me, through it all, through it all.

Yet in the struggle, there's a lesson to find,
The human in me, both the weakness and the kind.
For in the heart of this battle, we find our way,
The human in me, with flaws that make us stay.

Stay true, stay strong, in the fight to do what's right,
The human in me, a beacon in the night.
I'll walk with God, in the end, I will see,
The human in me, the key, the key to be.

So here I stand, with the human in me so clear,
Learning to love, to live, and to conquer fear.
For the human in me, with its struggle and might,
Is the journey of life, the path leading to the light.

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Ruth Oyerinde.