

Fire on fire
There you go
Setting my heart agleam
In the midst of stars and dreams and fears

You do not need words,
The fire in your eyes says it all,
The passion.
It wants to adorably devour
My flawed body
Whispered kisses dancing slowly around my ear

Moisture drips between my thighs
His tongue playing in the ocean of my yearnings
In circular motions and vibrations
His hands painting my flawed skin passionately
Held hard and mellow

I’m breathless
“So it’s possible I can be adored like this”
I asked myself
This is a place to lose my fears and insecurities
With this much desires burning passionately
Let’s wake up next to each other
till we’re grey
Let’s keep on this beautiful rhythms
Let’s keep burning passionately side by side

© I.R.E.N.E.