

I have gone through trash
but I never quitted
cause I was not in a rush
so I remained focussed

Life was hell on earth
I never saw happiness approaching
My mind became so unhealth
I had doubts about everything

My hope was no more
My friends varnished
I felt like I wasn't normal
Cause everything seemed impossible

My life was hell
I felt like I can't flourish
But am here, this story I have to tell
It wasn't easy cause all I had is a wish

A wish to see success
That's why losing focus
was never my choice

"I am a winner
I am a champ
I am not a quitter
My vision is too big to be a quitter
For once I wanted to quit
but my driving force couldn't allow me
I am worth more than what they say
I am the best version of myself
And I have to work hard till I see my success"

The above words forever pushed me towards my winning point
Now I am a winner
Yes I am a Champ
I never gave up
I will never give up

© JosephMk