

I want to travel more,
But I’ve always been scared to go west.
Toward the mountains and the bays,
Toward the cowboys and the gays.
I’ve always been scared to go west.
I’m not so sure why,
I’ve always been a fearful guy.
I need to travel more,
But I’ve always been scared to go west.

Daydreams of monstrous redwood trees,
Or cosmos with a lovely sea salt breeze.
A rocky summit to bring me to my knees,
or just one sunset with the Grand Canyon, please.
Man, I can’t believe,
I’m scared to go west.

If the caldera unzipped and blocked the sun,
Well, then where would there be to run?
If a scorpion stung me from inside my shoe,
Just what am I supposed to do?
What if the rumors are true,
And an alien abducts me or you,
What do you propose we do?

Now try and see, right with me,
Wouldn’t those things bring misery?
And here is fine and well enough.
This state holds a decent amount of, stuff.
The trees are plenty and the hills are high.
On a few beaches, the water mixes with the sky.
So why do I,
think so much of west?

Maybe the picture is prettier in my head,
Or I just desperately need to go to bed,
But I often dream there instead.
An evening stroll in the beach sand,
A sunset caressing your soft hand.
The western stars hidden in your hair.
I’m scared you won’t be there,
If I go west.

But each winter is too cold,
And the frost chips away the fears hold.
Until there comes a day, and I cannot stay.
I don’t want to fade away.
Perhaps I’ll become whole.
Spirit, win my soul,
When I go west.
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