

Whispers of the Hills: Manipur's Woes
In the shadows of war,
a tale unfolds, Of women, brave hearts, and stories untold.
In the midst of a chaos ;
their spirits ascend,
In quiet resilience, their true strength they mend.

In a land, where peace should firmly stand,
Dark clouds of conflict cast their veils.
Amid the noise and sorrow's sound,
A haunting truth, forever found.

The ravages of conflict's might,
Shatter souls through day and night.
Innocence lost, hearts wrench , Solidarity apart,
In the wake of violence, hope departs.

Amidst the ruins, a heart-wrenching wail, Of lives that once knew a gentle gale.
Yet, through the pain, a glimmer gleams,
A plea for peace, a chance for dreams.

But another horror stains the earth,
A crime that strips all sense of worth.
Rape's cruel grip, a soul's eclipse,
Leaves scars that time cannot eclipse.

Oh, shattered lives and broken hearts,
How do we mend these painful parts?
With love and empathy, we must embrace,
And strive to heal the wounds we face.

Let's stand as one, with voices out strong,
To fight the darkness, to right the wrong.
To build a world where peace can thrive,
And where compassion will revive.

For in unity, we'll find our way, Towards a brighter and hopeful day.
Hand in hand - we'll heal and learn to endure,
As we gently erase the tears of those who've endured.
© Alen Yimchunger