

Voices In The Wind
As the sun rose that day, a cool breeze filled the air before the wind began to sweep softly across the land.
It touched everything in sight and as it blew past I could hear the whispers. Even with the roar of the Ocean and the crashing of the waves drowning out the buzz of the city behind me, the voice of the wind was clear and subtle.
"How is it possible to hear you even in the midst all this dimensional commotion?" I asked.
The wind blew again and this time it replied, "When you look at the Ocean, enjoy the calmness, beauty, and witness the power that it is, just remember I am the painter of every image you derive from it. I am the voice of life that resounds throughout every existence."
I looked around again and this time the sun had risen so I could clearly see but most of all I could feel everything around me.

© Nimrad Robinson