

SAGAR- The Souvenir of Love
In the quietest part of the night,
When you hover between dark and light,
Wondering if you can float away on dreams,
With your Knight in shining armour.
Disguised as the 'damsel in distress',
Wondering if you can take away my numbed heart,
To replenish it with lost vigour and fulgence.
The cold breeze slowly started to touch my cheeks and pale lips,
Hastening to suck honey from it.
And the oceanic waves swiftly rushed
To sweep me off from ,
the tall ship deck.
The Twinkling Novas in dusky sky,
Ignites opalescence in my eyes.
Thou make me realize the trails of
burning desires in me.
Not of the flesh but of the soul,
Not of the lust but of the love.
I never thought someone could
wrest my inner core this heartily,
Someone to care me, woo me
and adore me,
Who don't love to be worshipped
like a deity by her love;
Who can miss one holding thy feet;
Who can ignore his gentle caressed touch;
For his patriarch belonged to this sea
that I wriggled around like a jelly fish;
For his Matriah belong to this earth
that his warm closeness made me relaxed.
He sanctified the scabby scales and
polished the Scabble corners of my heart that I inclined to his captivating
magnetic field,
Wet by the trickling sweat drops; allowing to glide via my curvaceous body and,
Set by the tingling heart sounds akin
to basketball dribbles;
His smitten words felt worthier than
all enticing deeds,
His whispered croon hocks me down
admidst the blue of Sagar,
To hold me close and taste a paradise.
Had the entire Cosmos witnessed a
fiercely downfall,
Leaving him aside will be akin to to the biggest pitfall,
That you'll never own a mate like him
after hundred rebirths;
The only marrow who portrayed
the symbol of love: 'Sagar' within me.
Even I could easily burn myself to ashes,
Whole heartily with a single desire
To keep losing myself in you,
As I've witnessed the heaven in you, And hoping they won't turn into screams...
© Ria Gladwin